On My Mind

     It was a year ago today that I saw my dad for the last time. My folks had come through Tampa while in Florida. I hadn't seen them in 4 years. I am so grateful to have had that last weekend together. We went out for breakfast and they dropped me off. It was the last time I saw him.

     I'm not weepy. I've just been thinking about him today. Lately I have focused so much on the past year we didn't share together, I have been neglecting the time we had. Today I sat down and have been watching the 2010 World Series again. I'm pausing now to watch a live game. We may have been in different states, but my dad and I shared that team.

     Thankfully a year has almost passed. There will be no "first time without" anymore. The day after my folks flew home from Tampa my dad was in the hospital. Later that night he fell into a coma. Two weeks later he was gone.

     Writing helped me come out of it when I was really mourning my pop. Today as I research a piece I want to do he keeps drifting in my head. I'm working on something nice for my dad for the one year anniversary of his death. I miss him and am really now learning how to get on without him in my life.

     He gave me the gift of baseball. Watching games and writing about the sport is cathartic for me. That's why it doesn't matter that it's a Braves-Mets game on the TV. Just the hum of the game keeps life moving.

Eric Nathanson
